
8 Helpful Tips for Improving Your Adaptive Leadership Skills

In our fast-paced, ever-changing work landscape, adaptive leadership is more important than ever when navigating the complexities of today’s business environment. As a leading in-home and commercial installation services company, we understand the critical role of innovative and adaptive leadership in achieving sustained success. At Penmarc, we integrate resilience and flexibility into every facet of […]

Unlock Team Unity with the Power of Recognition and Motivation

“Recognition is a reward in itself. Any form of appreciation, even a small word, is important.” —Vikrant Massey Every successful business in today’s ever-changing workplace environment shares a common thread—a team with good morale that thrives on recognition and motivation. Boosted team morale is crucial in increasing productivity, enhancing collaboration, and fostering a sense of […]

Take the Stress out of the Holidays with These 4 Time Management Tips

December has arrived, and with the influx of extra holiday activities surrounding us, effective time management becomes crucial this time of year. From festive gatherings to shopping, cooking, decorating, and wrapping gifts, juggling these tasks alongside our usual commitments — work, school, and family responsibilities — can be overwhelming.  It’s impossible to keep up with […]

Delegation Tips to Boost Productivity in the Workplace

Undoubtedly, throughout your professional journey, you’ve encountered the practice of task delegation within your team. Delegation is transferring responsibilities, tasks, and authority to fellow team members. It not only empowers management but also leads to more productive team outcomes.  Being just one person, managers often face inherent limitations based on their busy schedules, skills, and […]

Mastering Emotional Intelligence: A Gateway to Successful Leadership

This month for Leadership Live, our topic will be “Fact vs. Feelings: Leading with Emotional Intelligence.” But why is it important to differentiate between facts and feelings when implementing emotional intelligence into leadership? Let’s start by defining what emotional intelligence is. Emotional intelligence, in its most basic form, is about understanding and managing your emotions. […]

4 Great Tips for Building Stronger Relationships With Clients

Inside our highly competitive service industry, where Penmarc thrives, it is vital to keep positive, long-lasting relationships with clientele to maintain momentum and success.  Whether an organization has 10, 50, or 1000s of clients, you should treat each client with the utmost respect. Not only should you maintain your client relationships, but you should always […]

Tips for Inspired Customer Service

You would think that the only prerequisite for being a Penmarc Inspired Spaces Installer would be to have some construction experience — maybe knowledge of how to use table saws and owning a leveler! Those are the first things we would look for on a resume. But customer service skills are equally significant to technical […]

4 Powerful Ways to Turn Every Failure Into Success

We have all experienced anxiety, embarrassment, or even a feeling of inadequacy due to a failure in class, on the job, or during an extracurricular activity. We learn early in life that failure hurts, and it’s hard to initially understand that “failure” is only a failure if you quit or give up. We have all […]

Preparing and Adapting to Change

With steady and ongoing shifts in technology and market trends, positively reacting to change in the workplace has never been more vital for both employers and employees. As Penmarc aims to continue its growth in 2023, installers and management alike must prepare for the inevitable changes that come with growing any successful business. When unprepared, […]

Embracing Change in the Workplace

Businesses constantly seek ways to change, adapt, and improve in our highly competitive world. Whether trying to increase revenue, profitability, turnover rate, productivity, or several other company goals, change is inevitable. While some individuals thrive on the challenges associated with change, others may dread it. As with any other aspect of business, you are better […]